Recent Events
The Center Dedication
World War I and Yolo County
Talk Four: Road to Peace
The Yolo County Library and the Yolo County Archives invite the communities of Yolo County to attend the final presentation in the “LEST WE FORGET” series. This four part series, which began last year, reveals the story of Yolo County during World War I. Please plan to attend the talk in your community.
The "Lest We Forget Project" aims to tell the story of all those who served during World War I, both those on the home front and those who served in the military.
30th Anniversary Lecture in West Sacramento
30th Anniversary Talk in West Sacramento
The fourth in the Friends of the Yolo County Archives 30th Anniversary Talks took place in the Community Room at the West Sacramento Library on Sunday, September 17, at 3:00pm. The featured speaker was Mike McGowan, the First Mayor of West Sacramento. And there was music!
2017 Yolo County Fair
2017 Yolo County Fair Exhibit
The theme of this year's FCYA exhibit at the Yolo County Fair was "Baseball in Yolo County--Town Teams and Local Pros."
The 2017 Yolo County Fair ran from August 16th through August 20th.
The photo is from the cover of Tom Crisp's book, The $1,000 Elimination League--A 1915 Sacramento Valley Experiment , where it appears courtesy of Alan O'Connor.
30th Anniversary Lecture in Winters
The third event in Friends of the Yolo County Archives 30th Anniversary Talks took place at the Winters Community Library on Saturday, May 20th. Winters historian Tom Crisp discussed his book, The People of Buckeye and Early Winters. He began with a quick review of the work that had been done by the Winters History Project on Buckeye, followed by a description of his research strategy and sources. He explained how a decision regarding the routing of an extension of the Vaca Valley Railroad led to the demise of Buckeye and the rise of Winters. Crisp finished by highlighting various people and interesting tidbits that he discovered while working on his project.
For more, visit
30th Anniversary Lecture in Davis
Bob Bowen speaks to Davis audience.
Bob Bowen receives a plaque of appreciation from Friends of the Yolo County Archives board member, Ryan Baum.
Friends of the Yolo County Archives continued its quarterly celebration events with its Davis event held on Saturday, February 4. The University Retirement Community in Davis graciously hosted the venue by making its main auditorium available and the URC Residents’ Association sponsored free valet parking to assist visitors.
While no official count of participants was taken, estimates range between 70 and 100, making this event one of the largest non-fair community outreach events for FYCA.
Following an overview of FYCA and an introduction of our President, the featured speaker was introduced. Bob Bowen. Public Relations Manager within the City Manager’s Office of the City of Davis, is responsible for coordinating a year of celebration for the City of Davis’ Centennial. Mr. Bowen had assembled a collection of images with the UC Davis Shields Library Special Collections to provide a visual overview of key moments and monuments in the city’s history.
30th Anniversary Lecture in Woodland
The Friends of the Yolo County Archives was founded 30 years ago in November, 1986. In celebration of that, we are presenting a series of four lectures. The first lecture was held on October 22 in Woodland. It was a presentation by David Wilkinson on the architecture and architectural history of Woodland, based on his book, Crafting a Valley Jewel. It was a very informative and enjoyable talk, backed by his extensive research on the subject.
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